Last night, D., L., E., A., S. and I stayed up for beer and pizza. It turned into a little jam party with a ukelele, guitar and more beer. Our boss even had a few with us. This is a really good crowd. Everyone is just awesome and it's sad that we have to split up now! L. and I took a picture and I drew something for her to keep on the wall of the house.

This morning there was freezing rain. I slipped and landed on my ass coming right out of the house. D. saw as he was looking out the window and said it was pretty funny. Bossman said we couldn't leave. We waited until it started snowing and the roads became better (snow is better for grip). So I got to sleep in until 11:30 this morning on the couch. I haven't been able to sleep in much since I started this job. Couches are actually good for me because they force me to sleep on my back.

Went to the local hotel for lunch - grilled cheese, coleslaw and fries with a fruit platter ($15 including tax and tips). Packed up our gear and then said goodbye to half the crew. It was a sad and awkward goodbye but we will see each other again come Goose Break when we head to Collingwood to train in May. I took a picture of the staff walking to another house.

I am sitting in the back of the car - we are packed and ready to go!
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