Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Spring Hunt Festival

We worked even though it was a PED day (professional development day). We threw a pancake party, after advertising it on Facebook and had 2 students showed up. M. really liked working with me and we covered some functions as well as started looking at a practice science exam. I didn't have time for lunch but scarfed down a grill cheese quickly in the girl's Cree culture room.

Afterwards, we dropped into the Gathering Place today. It was a bit of a disappointment as it was mostly kids running around. There were some nice handicrafts for display, but not for sale. The elder who made it offered her services. You can ask her to make stuff - for exam, a beautiful pair of moosehide clothes with tassles and beadwork would be $150. Unfortunately I did not take a picture of them but here are some other photos:

Baby booties and mitts! Can be used as decor too. 
Scrap leather is used for making toys. 

Toy snow shoes and a mini-paddle

C. holds up mini gloves

Ice-pick to chip ice for ice-fishing and a shovel to scrap out pieces.

Traditional Cree snowshoes

Tim Whiskeychan is a local artist that decorated the Gathering Place with his paintings.
C. got a small custom-made painting for $200 including a frame. Very talented man!

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