Currently in Waskaganish, covering my coworker's vacation. I'm only here for two weeks and move onto East Main this Sunday.

After school, two girls came out to library, where we're currently running our classes. We played Equate for a little while, then my math lesson on integers with two Secondary 1* students, D. and A., went very well. I used coloured wooded cubes (positive integers) and uncoloured wooden cubes (negative integers) to demonstrate how to add integers**. I'd only used this method once to teach a very bright Grade 6 student down south, but it was exciting to see these kids clicking; they were intrinsically motivated and started seeing patterns. They were totally in flow, even up until the end of our class, and wanted to continue practicing what they'd just learned. These are the moments I work for!

What a great way to end the work day. I'm still wondering whether I should ask to teach elementary next year up here. While I enjoy working with secondary kids, it is draining when they are not motivated in very much at all. Part of me would prefer to have a regular classroom and be able to get the kids here more interested in numeracy and literacy. Of course, I know wherever I will be, I'll still try my hardest.
**A coloured cube and a wooden cube add up to zero and 'cancel' each other out.
***Assign red-coloured cards as negative integer and black-coloured cards as positive integers (i.e. eight of clubs is considered +8). Students flip cards from the top of their decks and add the numbers together. First person to state the correct sum wins the cards.
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