Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Hello from India

I used to volunteer for Alliance for International Women's Rights. I worked with two teenagers over Skype and taught them English as a Second Language. One of the girls, A., eventually graduated from high school in Afghanistan and went to India for university. She left a nice message for me when I was on Skype:

hi hi hi hi
how are you ???
hope you remember me:)
sorry for not contacting you for a long time, i really wanted to talked to you after my classes was finished..... and i had to finish them because I got my India scholarship and had to come over her.
The day i got this great new i wanted to tell because you were the one who gave confidence and had faith on me, and told me i will pass it. I really miss my Skype calsses with you, hope I have those classes once again......:)
Take care won't take you much time i am sure you might be busy.


I really love the program. It is such an interesting way to connect with a stranger on the other side of the world!

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Overcoming Your Fears

I bought this decorative panel ($22) on my last day in Hawaii. That was five days ago.

I think back to six years ago, when I was backpacking in Vietnam, I turned down the chance to try surfing. And for many years of my life, I said that I didn't like the ocean, that I wasn't a water baby and I wasn't a good swimmer. I made lots of excuses not to have fun. I never thought I'd ever try surfing in my life.

This trip to Hawaii finally gave me the chance to slowly fall in love with everything. Having the chance to attempt something again and again, in a safe environment, with lots of support, until you hit your flow and begin to attain mastery*. After nine days, I had an amazing time and felt comfortable snorkelling, skin diving and surfing. And I wish I could do it some more!**

I couldn't believe how quickly I picked up surfing! It was such a thrilling feeling, just cruising out on the surfboard and having a blast. I was standing by the second try. It helped to have a good instructor, T.; he always got me focused by asking me, "Are you ready?" and waiting for my vehement affirmation before he pushed me forward to catch a wave.

It felt good to overcome my fear and lack of confidence and leave Hawaii with surfboard rash, salt on my skin and a smile on my face. 


*An amazing audiobook that I've been listening to. A must-read, whether you work in a school or an office.

**I've avoiding learning how to SCUBA. I can't believe that I passed up so many opportunities considering how many world-class dive sites I've visited throughout southeast Asia.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Journey of Nishiyuu

I didn't realize until yesterday that half a dozen of the students I worked with last year in Whapmagoostui were on this trek!

Cree youth walk for Idle No More gains more participants
Youngest participant is 11-year-old girl, Abby Masty
 CBC News Posted: Feb 4, 2013 12:21 PM CST Last Updated: Feb 4, 2013 1:05 PM CST